Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gym Days at the Apple

As part of our school we go twice a month to the Apple Athletic Club for gym days or P.E. We have played many games, had special visitors come or instruction (this week we will have a boogaloo instructor come), and we have also taken part in a presidential fitness program complete with awards.

I was able to get some pictures when Mr. Dance of 2007 (I think that was the year) came. He was fun and tried to teach the kids a neat dance routine but the Apple's sound was not working which made it a little hard. However we still had fun. I was not able to get pictures of the awards ceremony because my batteries were dead. :( Maybe I can get a fellow homeschooling mom to forward me some.

Here are some I got...


devrie said...

looks like they dance like their parents...awesome!

GrandMOM said...

I think that the activities you get to do for school is awesome and give you such a well rounded variety.
I Love Dancing, too. Did you know that before we ( Grandpa Barry & I
)were officially dating, we were dancing together?